CFOs need technology proficiency too.

Getting on the right side of the technology has become key in the CFO role. CFOs need to be more tech literate to manage IT expenditure effectively. Here’s a few things that you may want to keep in mind when looking to better manage IT budgets and costs.

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The Dos and Don’ts for Domain Names

To protect and boost your domain value, it’s essential for you to know what you should and shouldn’t do when registering and managing your domains.

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The gold mines in disguise

“Australians are among the highest users of new technology in the world.” but Fewer than 10% of PCs and laptops are recycled in Australia and they are quickly becoming problem for the environment.

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Break the bias

This International Women’s Day, we want to #BreakTheBias, remove barriers, and celebrate the intelligent and strong women in our industry, starting with those in our team. Meet Mia and Hayley. We’ve conducted a short interview with them to learn what they have to say about being a #womanintech:

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Up up and away

In this blog, we have put together three ways to manage the impact around staff churn within your workforce, introduce fresh thinking and inject positive energy into your company as a result of staff change.

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Take Good Care of Your Laptops and Desktops with These Simple TLC Tips

In this blog, we have put together three ways to manage the impact around staff churn within your workforce, introduce fresh thinking and inject positive energy into your company as a result of staff change.

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Extended Reality: What do Mining Engineers have in common with Tony Stark?

In this blog, we have put together three ways to manage the impact around staff churn within your workforce, introduce fresh thinking and inject positive energy into your company as a result of staff change.

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Insider Threats: Your Greatest Strengths Could Also Be Your Greatest Risks

In this blog, we have put together three ways to manage the impact around staff churn within your workforce, introduce fresh thinking and inject positive energy into your company as a result of staff change.

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Knowledge continuity is business continuity

In this blog, we have put together three ways to manage the impact around staff churn within your workforce, introduce fresh thinking and inject positive energy into your company as a result of staff change.

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